Meet me in Harbin!
Thomas Lahusen
& Olga Bakich
35 minutes; color & b/w; Chinese, English, German, Russian dialogues; English subtitles; digital HD 16:9 & archival footage;
Canada, China, 2011.
Shot on the occasion of the conference “Global Challenge and Regional Response: Early-Twentieth-Century Northeast China’s Encounters with the World,” held in June 2009, this film transports us to the campus of Heilongjiang University located in the city of Harbin, North-East China. The conference was organized by the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe” of Heidelberg University (Germany), in partnership with Heilongjiang University and the German Historical Institute (Washington, DC). The film highlights some of the debates at the conference, which, in combination with a summer school, brought together scholars from all over the world to discuss the unique history of the region where global and local interests converged. Harbin with its foreign – mainly Russian – architectural remnants of the early twentieth century, and its contemporary Chinese echoes, occupies an important place in the film.